Monday, August 17, 2009

Up and Away

Ruthie is in Florida right now recuperating from a hectic summer, and I'm heading up to Virginia to drop my brother off at Liberty tomorrow.

Our car is in the shop for a second round of costly repairs, which will not fix everything, but will keep the vehicle running. Fortunately, I won't need it for this trip. Not sure how I'm going to pick it up.

Today, after a fruitless search through the refrigerator and pantry, I ended up eating tortillas with peanut butter and jelly on them for dinner. Then, halfway through my first one, I'm like, wait. We have a freezer too.

The freezer contained two frozen burritos, which I promptly microwaved and devoured.

Then I watched House of Sand and Fog which is a movie about a horrendous chain of self-destruction that ends up with a murder and several suicides. Who sits down and decides to make these movies? There were so many points where one small thing would have brought everyone around, but the filmmaker just wanted to destroy all the characters. I kept thinking things might get better, which is why I stuck it out, but they didn't.

So now I'm feeling pretty gloomy, and Eric's packing his things up for college. I'm feeling like an empty nester.

It will be nice when this week is over, and life gets back to usual, and we can report on what God's doing in the kids' lives, etc.


  1. We watched Revolutionary Road the other night - another pointless and depressing movie. Seriously, what is up with these filmmakers. I watch movies to escape this world, not see its underbelly up close.

  2. Haven't seen that one.

    I'm usually willing to see the underbelly if there's something to make it worthwhile.

    This one just didn't strike me with anything new to think about or wrestle with or hope for. Despair right down to its core.
