Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another Gold Rush!

Connie is an art therapist, and we have been trying to get together for a few weeks now. This morning, I picked her up from the MARTA station and, after showing her our home/activities center, I took her down to Clarkston.

We met with NAMB missionary Bennett Eckandem, and we were able to set up a class where she will be teaching refugee kids to express and understand their stories through visual art. I was particularly excited about how she can help Aziz develop his gift.

Another worker mobilized!

This afternoon, another Gold Rush team came out. I'm amazed at how many kids come out for these day camps, and what strong connections happen between them and the teams. We spoke with some of the local volunteers about returning to help during the school year. It would be great to see them continue these relationships.

This last picture is my favorite. Ana is the one doing the face-painting on a volunteer. It's a great image of how those of us who work with international kids end up receiving as much from them as we give to them.

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