Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rain on the Burning Heart

Here is something I can tell you from the trenches: Relationships are the weakest link in any ministry.

To some extent, you can protect against sex scandals or substance abuse or even financial greed, but when pride moves in, when trust falls apart, when love cools off, ministries fail quietly, and it is tragic and ugly.

I've been watching my friendships these days with a wary eye, because no one is immune. We must care for our love so tenderly. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I heard a story from a friend recently that was very familiar. A ministry was up and running, lives were being changed, the gospel was taking root, and then a small offense turned into a battle for territory.

Then the people being reached suddenly became weapons. Long-standing friendships were used as leverage, and damage was done that will not be undone.

I've been praying a lot about love lately. The world is meant to identify us by our love. We are so careless with it sometimes, and when it is lost, the damage to our testimony and to our lives is irreversible. To my friends and ministry partners: we must live in love and drive out the pride, fear, lust, greed, and corruption that keeps us from it.

It is the easiest thing to let go of, and the hardest to repair. When rain falls on the burning heart of our union, we must fight to keep the embers burning. There is no higher call upon us than love.

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