Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Flesh and Spirit (Pt 5)

Jennifer's mom loves her kids in the way that many single moms do, with an exhausted, worried kind of love. She has a new boyfriend named Jesus. He's a tall latino with a crew cut, muscled and tattooed.

Jesus' presence in the room is the first surprise. He makes it a little tricky to talk about his namesake, the Son of God, without snickering.

The second and third surprises are the two young children from the photo in question. The fourth through sixth are the teenaged friends of the family. I have seen them before, but I can't remember their names.

I walk into the living room, and they are all there, looking a little out of sorts. I can't tell if it is the strangeness of this gathering or the photo.

Jennifer's mom shuts off the TV and tells everyone to listen to me. I survey the room and laugh out loud that anyone should listen to me. We swap names, and I ask how everyone is feeling about the photo.

Those who are scared say so, those who are skeptical say so a little defensively. I nod, and summarize what I think about the photo, that I'm really not sure what I'm seeing, but that I understand their fear, and that I believe it's possible that something supernatural caused it.

I relay a story from my past (see pt 1), and I offer them two pieces of advice:

1. Spiritists live on our fear. Do not waste your money on them. You'll come out broke and just as afraid. And they substitute hocus-pocus for real power.
2. There is real power over fear, and it comes from knowing Jesus (not this Jesus, I joke, pointing to the boyfriend, although I'm sure he's a good guy to know). Because when you know Jesus, when you turn to Him, His power moves into your heart.

We talk more, back and forth, and I notice that these teenagers are really listening, leaning forward, joking with me, asking questions, nodding.

I tell them that if they want, I can pray for them right now, and that if they ask, I can bring back a pastor and some church leaders to pray over them as well.

Melvin, Jennifer's younger brother, shouts, I'm okay with praying! Everyone close your eyes and bow your heads!

- No one has to close their eyes or anything, I laugh, I'm just going to ask God to be with you.

Still, eyes close and heads bow. Together, we pray for help.


  1. Wow, Ian. I've been checking your blog every day over the weekend, waiting for the end of this story... Sounds like a pretty amazing opportunity! Praise God for your willingness and ability to listen to and follow His leading.

  2. By the way, I like the new look!

  3. Thanks! Ruthie did it. She keeps us up with the times.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Really enjoyed following this story to it's end(?). It's inspiring to see the unique spots God puts you in that seem tailor-made just for you.

    Any progress with the novel? Made some with mine and would love to send you the very rough first draft and get your feedback. Don't know when that'll be but some day.

  6. You've made Jesus b-e-a-utiful here. Thanks.
