Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Break-in

It was the kind of scheme I might have thought of as a kid, but it has me very angry right now.

I have a video game that J wanted. I told J he'd have to wait until I beat it to borrow it. J's friend JC was mad about not being allowed to go to the bike workshop because of his age. So J and JC hatched a plan to get the game and get back at me.

After the activities were over, they came in to look for JC's keys, which he said he left there. It was a lie to get inside. While JC pretended to look for his keys, J unlatched the window. JC pretended to find his keys.

I saw J peeking around the corner to make sure I was in the dining room. Not sure which of them to keep an eye on, I looked once more at JC and then went to check on J.

By the time I got back to where J was, JC pretended to find his keys and they exited. I watched both of them to see if they were carrying anything out. When I saw that they weren't, I went back and checked in the activities room. Nothing was amiss.

When Eric and I returned from an errand, I saw kids scatter from around our window, and I realized exactly what the whole thing had been about.

We had come home too soon for them to get all the way inside, so they slammed the window shut with the draw string for the blinds still hanging outside.

I went out and found them right away and told them that the next time anyone tried to break into my house, I would call the cops. J lied about it. JC shrugged and walked away.

It's not a big deal to lose stuff, but to have kids that we invite into our home try to take advantage of us and steal from us, is pretty rattling. I didn't talk to their parents or my friends with the PD or management yet (all of these thoughts occurred to me), because I don't want to do anything out of anger.

Some discipline is certainly in order, but I may not be the man for the job. I honestly can't say I'd be doing it out of love. We'll see what clarity of mind and/or heart the morning brings.

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